Thursday, August 27, 2009

A little bit about the WildWoman

Well - I realize now that I have done this a little backwards.  Like a good little south Texas girl let me introduce myself...lets call me WW...

I am the Weight Watchers WildWoman, She is me. 

But more importantly she is EVERY woman who has ever looked at the waifs in the magazines and thought "I'm not pretty" or "I'm not thin enough."  The part of us that will never accept that fact that we are beautiful and perfect - NO MATTER WHAT!

Even though I'm 23 - oh wait, oh crap - I'm 24...I've had a long enough history with food that I could fill up 40 years.  I suffered with anorexia in high school - boy is that not pretty.  And its not surprising considering that the media would have you believe the only women worth loving are a size 0 - or smaller.  I just want to feed those girls some friend chicken - God Bless 'Em.

I gained wieght like CRAZY in college - I went from a size 6 to a size 16.  And since I'm fixing to finish my Master's degree at Texas A&M University (no Aggie jokes please) I've been in college 6 years.  Um...lets see 10 lbs a year on average?  YIKES...Not feeling pretty or God forbid - sexy -  and not happy with myelf anymore I decided it was time to make a change.  I didn't know HOW to do it. And after strictly controlling food during the anoreixa battle could I ever introduce ANY little bit of control back into my eating without relapsing?  It was time to find out.  It all happened by accident. 

I texted my aunt to see if she wanted to grab lunch - ironically she was in an informational meeting about Weight Watchers at work - she asked me to join.  And I did.  And I was SCARED!  But I made a promise to myself - I knew I could do it.  I needed to do it.  My family medical history is littered with heart problems,l HBP and diabetes.  I can't afford to be overwright.  I want to be thin when I get married.  I want to wear a bathing suit during the summer.  I want to wear tank tops!!!!  So with the support of the love of my life, friends and family I set off on a journey of self discovery.  That was then...Let's look at now.   

Here we are 6 weeks into the program - I have lost 5% of my starting weight.  (Which okay ladies - I'll tell was 202.6).  On a 5'7'' frame that is not good.  My "normal" (who is?) weight range is between 130 and 160.  Now I have lost 10.2 pounds and I run between 7 and 10 miles per night on the elliptical.  AND I CRAVE the RUNNING.  Set that elliptical up in front of the tv and run my heart out watching DVR'd General Hospital, All My Children and One Life to Live (You are thinking - she said 24 not 64 right? I'm a 4th generation soap watcher - its in my genes, my Nanny God rest her soul wouldn't leave the house when her programs were on.) 

So I'm going to do my best to keep you updated on my progress, trials, tribulations, cravings, trips off the wagon, recipies and ideas for staying healthy.

Who knows - maybe Oprah will discover me or something right?  Enjoy it.  Comment, etc.  I can't wait to hear from you  - I'd love to hear your stories as well or helpful hints and tips.

For all of you who are right there with me - WE CAN DO IT!!

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