Thursday, August 27, 2009

Return to the Biscut

So I told the biscut story at the Weight Watchers meeting yesterday...(clearly I need to catch up on this blog)

(a MUCH shorter, less "colorful" version")

I got a BRAVO sticker for my bookmark...(we talk and share during meetings and the WW lady gives us these tiny green BRAVO stickers for good ideas, behaviors, etc.  I have a million of the 'lil suckers cause I can't keep my trap shut...)

Why you ask?

Because I looked up the points value BEFORE I gave into my craving...

I was like...way to be Weight Watchers lady...look for the positive.

What I really needed was a swift kick in the arse for eating that second biscut.

You know it, I know it.

A BRAVO sticker for eating two biscuts?? Well, no one said the program was perfect! ;)

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