Friday, October 9, 2009

Week 12 Weigh In

Well folks - I'm trying to get my Master's paper done so that I can graduate so that's why there aren't hardly any posts - look for them to pick up mid Nov. again.

BUTTTT....remember how I got my 10 percent keychain last week???  WELLLL  This week I got a 25lb charm to put on that keychain!  I had lost another 3 pounds - I couldn't beleive it!!

And that was after I snaked some of HSSH's french fries - I was eating edammae - please HSSH "LAY OFF ME I'M STARVING." - Name that SNL skit please?  Anyone?? Bonus points if you can name two of the actors... :)

So I am thrilled - 25.8 pounds GONE.....YES! I am already a new woman.  I'm now at 178.2 pounds - from 202.2...YES!  I'm loving being a smaller me.  I need to lose about 30 more pounds but I got it covered I can do it - then I'll be in the mid-weight range for my height and I'm going to go nuts buying new clothes...sorry HSSH but I gotta show of this slinky new body when it's complete!

Instead of the girl that buys french bread, crutons, ranch dressing, brownies, ice cream, 8 kinds of crackers and cheese, cream sauce, white pasta and all that other bad crap I realized yesterday after a trip to HEB that I had COMPLETLY changed my eating habits...

Instead in my cart I had:
 - bottled water
 - whole grain pasta
 - flax and wheat frozen waffles and light syrup
 - TONS of frozen veggies
 - Edammae
 - Fresh fruit
 - 3 kinds of super healthy low cal. juice
 - fat free milk
 - fat free soups
 - black beans
 - canned corn
 - low fat sandwhich meat
 - 40 calorie per slice bread - thank you Nature's Own I LOVE your LIGHT bread...
 - fresh veggies

I've done it - I've changed the way I eat and what I put into my body - thanks weight-watchers for teaching me what to put into my body!!! 

Loving the ever emerging new me :)  Thanks for reading...Remember YOU TOO CAN DO IT!! Just commit and and you will get everything back that you put into it...except of course, the weight!