Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Free Cookie Dilemma

Yesterday was one of those days.  Those days were NOTHING in the world seems right and you want to get on the first plane out of town and never look back.  Its too bad that all the planes leaving my town go to Houston...

Anyways.  I lost it.  I did not, as Betheney Frankle of the Real Housewives of New York says, "check myself before I wrecked myself."

I went straight to Popeyes and ate THREE biscuts, 2 drumsticks and the chicken nugget that came in the chicken biscut.  And them my stomach and insides revolted against the trash I put in my body.  Nuff Said. 

But I ran my ten miles and had a small filet of flounder, 1/2 cup of fat free refriend beans and 2 slices of polenta with a tblsp of queso from World Market.

Today I feel better.  I'm going to get an outfit for a baby shower I am helping host this weekend.  I am also going to be working on my paper so I wanted a big lunch to keep my full till well past dinner time.  I ordered a PotBelly chicken sandwhich on skinny wheat (12 pts - cheese, pickles, seasoning - I know 12 is a lot but this lunch is 1/2 of my daily allotment of 25 so I went with it.) with a bowl of their 1 pt vegtable soup - which is only avaiable on Tuesday.  This soup is PHENOMENAL.  For 1 pt!  Thank you to Pot Belly for having detailed nutritional information on their website.

Well...there was a slight hitch in my plan.  My lunch was almost an hour late, 50 starving minutes.  Well....
They gave me a free oatmeal chocolate chip, soft cookie. 

Lord have mercy...too the nutritional info...

OMG this cookie is 10 points...now its a rather large cookie.

I am working alone.  There is no one to give this too.  And I can't throw it away.  That would be wrong, starving children and what not.  I'm thinking I'm going to eat it...and run A LOT tonight.

But weigh-in is tomorrow...

What is a girl to do???  

P.S. Weekend update:  I ate really healthy this past weekend - only one bad meal ;)  We iceskated on Saturday and it was great! :)

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