Monday, September 21, 2009

Pure Exhaustion & Krispy Kreme

Hello Everyone...

I'm quite tired today.  And my back hurts...ugh.  After an 8 hour workday I'll grab a bite to eat then head over to campus to put in at least two hours of work on my final paper...then home to run 10 miles...shower, etc.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

No HSSH this weekend...sad. 

Instead I was a co-hostess for HSSH's sister-in-law's baby shower.  I made the decorations and several dips -I finally got to play with the red Kitchen Aid food processor that I got for my birthday...

I made crostini's out of 4 loafs of french bread - toasted with olive oil, sea salt and feshly ground pepper - the pepper is the secret...amazing.  But bad for me so I only had a few...

I also made a !fat free! cream cheese, smoked salmon and caper dip with a little butter and lemon mixed in.  Basically everything you would assemble onto a crostini all mixed together in an easy spread. 

Then I made a !fat free! cream cheese dip that inlcuded garlic, chives, marjoram, oregano and fresh lemon juice. 

These both tasted great with the crostini's.  I also made my signature dip of drained and rinsed black beans, H.E.B. pico de gallo, drained and rinsed whole kernel corn, various seasonings and lime juice - this is quite healthy - till you start digging into it with a bazzillion Frito's scoops...(10 scoops = 3 pts).  I did snack at the shower - but not too much.  I didn't feel all that guilty about it - came home and had a Red Barron French Bread Pizza - at 8 points a pizza its a bit much but soooo good! 

Everyone love the diaper cake, banner and food that I made for the shower - it was a fantastic time and I can't wait to meet the little guy in late October.  Best of all I made HSSH mom take home ALL of the food I made so there would be NO temptations at home for me. 

I only ran three miles Friday and none on Saturday - I got back from Huntsville & the shower at 6pm and cleaned house and did laundry till midnight.  Sunday morning I got up and ran 7 miles - and danced while running on the elliptical becuase I was watching Dirty Dancing...

One of my favorite scenes...Hey Sylvia, Yes Mickey?  How do you call your lover boy? 

I LOVE that movie...RIP Patrick Swayze...Anyways its a wonder that I didn't fall off the elliptical as I gyrated along with the music although there was a close call when I nearly put my flailing arm into the ceiling fan...oh well.  I never said I was coordinated - or that I could dance.  Feeling great after my run I went out to my grandparents house in Somerville...

And my aunt - who is also doing Weight Watchers - showed up with Krisy Kreme donuts imported from San Antonio.  What a  &%$^#.  Seriosuly...Krispy Freaking Kreme...6 pts a donut.  And I ate two.  Shoot me.  They were flipping awesome - even if they weren't hot.  It happens. 

I had a BBQ sandwhich on whole wheat bread as a late afternoon meal and then snacked on fritos, a slice of cheese and 1/2 cup of fat free re-fried beans that night. 

Today, I've had a WW chocolate shake and I'm thinking Pei Wei for dinner :) Lettuce Wraps are 5 pts (minus the crispy noodles) and the sauce is 2 pts. 

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